Google Cloud Storage



Automatically populate form files to a custom Google Cloud Storage location.

What you need


Google Cloud Storage (GCS) is a service provided by Google Cloud Platform(GCP) for storing and managing large amounts of data in the cloud.


  • Scalability: GCS automatically scales to handle growing amounts of data without requiring manual intervention. Whether you're storing a few gigabytes or exabytes, the service can accommodate your needs seamlessly.
  • High Durability: GCS is designed for 99.999999999% annual durability, meaning your data is replicated across multiple locations to ensure it remains safe and accessible even in the face of hardware failures or other issues.
  • Cost-Effective: GCS offers various storage classes (Standard, Nearline, Coldline, and Archive) with different cost structures, allowing you to choose the most economical option based on your data access patterns and retention needs.
  • Global Accessibility: Data stored in GCS can be accessed from anywhere in the world with low latency. Google’s global network ensures high-speed access and delivery of your data.
  • Security: GCS provides robust security features, including data encryption both in transit and at rest. You can also use Identity and Access Management (IAM) to control access to your data, and Google Cloud's security practices are designed to meet industry standards.
  • Easy Integration: GCS integrates seamlessly with other Google Cloud services like BigQuery, Dataflow, and Compute Engine, enabling you to build comprehensive data processing and analysis workflows.
  • Object Lifecycle Management: GCS allows you to set lifecycle policies for automatic data management, such as transitioning objects to lower-cost storage classes or deleting them after a certain period. This helps manage costs and optimize storage.
  • Reliability: With features like multi-regional replication and automatic failover, GCS is designed to offer high availability and reliability for your data storage needs.
  • Simple and Flexible APIs: GCS provides RESTful APIs, client libraries, and command-line tools that make it easy to interact with your data, regardless of your development environment or programming language.
  • Data Transfer and Migration: GCS offers various tools and options for data transfer, including gsutil, Transfer Appliance, and Transfer Service for on-premises data migration, facilitating smooth and efficient data movement.
  • Versioning: GCS supports object versioning, allowing you to keep multiple versions of an object. This can be useful for data recovery and tracking changes over time.
  • Collaboration: With fine-grained access controls, you can easily share data with team members or external partners while ensuring that only authorized users can access or modify your data.


Cost Management:

  • Storage Class Selection: Choose the appropriate storage class (Standard, Nearline, Coldline, Archive) based on your data access patterns to optimize costs. Each class has different pricing structures for storage, access, and retrieval.
  • Data Retrieval Costs: Be aware that accessing data from Nearline, Coldline, or Archive storage classes incurs retrieval costs. Plan your data access strategy to minimize these costs.
  • Object Lifecycle Management: Use lifecycle policies to automatically transition objects to cheaper storage classes or delete them when they are no longer needed.

Data Security and Compliance:

  • Encryption: GCS encrypts data both in transit and at rest by default. Ensure that your data meets any specific encryption requirements for your industry or region. You can also manage your own encryption keys using Customer-Managed Encryption Keys (CMEK).
  • Access Control: Implement Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies to control who can access your data. Use roles and permissions to enforce least privilege access and ensure that only authorized users have the necessary access.
  • Compliance: Verify that GCS meets any regulatory compliance requirements relevant to your organization (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA).


  • Latency: Consider the impact of latency on your applications, especially if you have users or systems in geographically diverse locations. GCS provides global access, but the performance may vary based on the distance from the storage location.
  • Data Transfer Speed: Evaluate your data transfer requirements and use tools like gsutil, Transfer Appliance, or Transfer Service for efficient data migration and transfer.

Data Management:

  • Object Versioning: Enable object versioning if you need to keep track of changes or recover previous versions of your data. Be mindful that this can increase storage costs.
  • Data Backup: Although GCS is highly durable, consider implementing additional backup strategies if your data is critical to your business operations.

Data Organization:

  • Bucket Structure: Organize your data into buckets and folders to make it easier to manage and access. Use naming conventions that reflect the purpose and organization of your data.
  • Metadata: Leverage metadata to tag and categorize objects for easier management and searchability.

Integration and Compatibility:

  • APIs and Tools: Familiarize yourself with the APIs and tools available for interacting with GCS, including gsutil, client libraries, and the Google Cloud Console. Ensure compatibility with your existing systems and workflows.
  • Integration with Other Services: If integrating with other Google Cloud services or third-party tools, verify that GCS works seamlessly with those services to avoid any issues.

Disaster Recovery:

  • Data Replication: Understand the replication and redundancy options available in GCS to ensure data availability and durability. Consider how GCS fits into your overall disaster recovery plan.

Monitoring and Logging:

  • Usage Monitoring: Use Google Cloud's monitoring and logging tools to track usage, access patterns, and performance metrics. This helps in managing costs and diagnosing any issues.
  • Audit Logs: Enable audit logging to track access and modifications to your data, which can help with security and compliance.


How to set up

Navigate to the Feathery form that you want to connect to Google Cloud Storage. Click on the Integrations tab.

Authorize and connect your Google Cloud account.

Specify the path you want files to be stored in.

Map which files from the Feathery form to upload to that path.

Click Connect. Your integration is now live and ready to go!

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the

"When inside of" nested selector


This is a H6

This is a Link

  • This is a list item
  • This is another list item here
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