
Quility increases lead volume by 30% with Feathery

Discover how the insurance firm is converting more leads while saving on the cost of a full-time developer.


Quility is a leading life insurance provider that offers a suite of digital insurance products and empowers agents with an industry-leading sales enablement platform.

Feathery powers dozens of Quility’s insurance prequalification flows, which includes capturing, verifying, and routing user data collected through high-converting forms. The partnership began in early 2023.


Quility needed a way to capture and verify completed and partial leads, an essential component of their insurance practice.

Before Quility’s partnership with Feathery, they faced a number of challenges.

  • Data from leads who dropped off halfway were not being captured or used for remarketing.
  • Lower conversion rates since the marketing team did not have full control over form design and logic.
  • User-entered phone numbers were not being verified, leading to inefficient marketing, poor quality data sent to assurance partners, and overall less revenue for Quility’s insurance marketplace.


With Feathery, Quility has increased lead volume by 30% with the same amount of ad spend.

Quility ultimately went with Feathery due to its blend of advanced features, crucial 3rd party integrations, design capabilities, and user-friendly interface.

Now able to verify and activate 30% more of their lead data, they’ve built an email database for low-cost remarketing with zero increase in their ad spending. They explored an in-house developer solution, but it was clear that Feathery would save them the pain of developing and maintaining prequalification flows that were ultimately owned by the marketing team.

The Feathery team also worked with Quility to develop new integrations to incorporate state-of-the-art verification methods such as Telesign’s Silent Verification technology. This enables users to verify they own a phone number without needing to enter a code by verifying with the phone carrier directly.

When it comes to performance marketing, making the right first impression is key. Feathery’s robust design controls have given us the full control we desire, which enables us to perfect every visual detail that factors into our prospect’s first impression of our brand.

Matthew Moloney

Director of Marketing

Use Case

Lead Generation

Products used

Form Builder
Developer Embed
Advanced Logic

Increased lead volume by 30%

Via high-converting Feathery funnels

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