


Automatically create new WooCommerce customers and orders with data collected from your forms. You may set up multiple WooCommerce actions at once.

What you need


WooCommerce is an open-source e-commerce plugin designed for WordPress, allowing users to transform their WordPress sites into fully functional online stores. It's popular for its flexibility, ease of use, and extensive range of features.

Key Features of WooCommerce:

  1. Product Management:
    • Varied Product Types: Supports various product types, including physical goods, digital products, subscriptions, and memberships.
    • Product Variations: Allows for variations such as size, color, and other attributes.
  2. Customization:
    • Themes and Extensions: Offers a wide range of themes and extensions that can be used to customize the look and functionality of your store.
    • Customizable: Provides tools to customize product pages, checkout processes, and more.
  3. Payment Gateways:
    • Built-In Options: Includes built-in support for major payment gateways like PayPal, Stripe, and bank transfers.
    • Additional Gateways: Supports a range of other payment gateways through extensions.
  4. Shipping Options:
    • Flexible Shipping: Allows configuration of shipping methods based on location, weight, and other criteria.
    • Integration: Integrates with shipping carriers and offers options for real-time shipping rates.
  5. Inventory Management:
    • Stock Control: Provides inventory management tools to track stock levels, set stock statuses, and manage backorders.
    • Product Listings: Facilitates easy management of product listings and categories.
  6. Order Management:
    • Order Tracking: Enables tracking and management of orders, including order status updates and customer notifications.
    • Reports: Generates reports on sales, stock, and customer data to analyze store performance.
  7. Marketing and SEO:
    • Discounts and Coupons: Supports the creation of discount codes and coupons to drive sales.
    • SEO-Friendly: Offers SEO tools and plugins to optimize product pages for search engines.
  8. Customer Management:
    • User Accounts: Allows customers to create accounts, view order history, and manage their information.
    • Reviews and Ratings: Supports product reviews and ratings to enhance customer trust.
  9. Analytics and Reporting:
    • Sales Reports: Provides detailed sales reports and analytics to monitor performance and trends.
    • Integration: Can be integrated with Google Analytics and other reporting tools for deeper insights.
  10. Security:
    • Updates: Regularly updated to address security vulnerabilities and ensure compatibility with the latest WordPress versions.
    • Plugins: Supports various security plugins to enhance site security.

Common Use Cases for WooCommerce:

  • Small Business Online Store: Sell physical products like apparel, electronics, or handmade goods.
  • Digital Products: Offer digital items such as e-books, software, and downloadable content.
  • Subscription Services: Manage recurring payments for memberships or subscription boxes.
  • Service-Based Businesses: Book appointments or sell service packages and consultations.
  • Dropshipping: Automate order fulfillment without holding inventory by integrating with dropshipping suppliers.

Overall, WooCommerce is a robust and versatile e-commerce solution that provides a range of features suitable for small to medium-sized businesses looking to sell products online.

How to set up

Navigate to the Feathery form that you want to connect to WooCommerce. Click on the Integrations tab.

Open the WooCommerce integration and choose the Feathery form event to trigger the WooCommerce action. Your options are when someone completes the form, reaches a specific step of the form, or whenever data is received from your end user (partial submissions, data enrichment, etc.)

Authorize and connect your WooCommerce account.

Choose the WooCommerce action you want to take and map your Feathery fields to the relevant WooCommerce record properties you want to populate.

Click Connect. Your integration is now live and ready to go!

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the

"When inside of" nested selector


This is a H6

This is a Link

  • This is a list item
  • This is another list item here
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