


Integrate Feathery with LoanPro for an end-to-end loan origination and management experience.

What you need


LoanPro is a cloud-based loan management software that provides tools for managing and servicing loans. It's designed for lenders, servicers, and financial institutions to help streamline the loan lifecycle, from origination to servicing and collections.

Key features of LoanPro include:

  1. Loan Origination: Facilitates the creation and customization of loan products, including installment loans, revolving lines of credit, and more.
  2. Loan Servicing: Manages the day-to-day operations of loans, such as payment processing, interest calculation, escrow management, and more.
  3. Payment Management: Offers automated payment processing, including ACH, card payments, and other methods.
  4. Customer Management: Helps lenders manage borrower profiles, communications, and account details.
  5. Reporting and Analytics: Provides detailed reporting and data analytics to track loan performance, compliance, and other key metrics.
  6. Compliance: Helps ensure that lending practices are compliant with regulatory requirements.

LoanPro is particularly popular among non-traditional lenders, such as fintech companies and online lenders, due to its flexibility and scalability. It integrates with various third-party services and offers a robust API for customization.


Using LoanPro offers several benefits, especially for lenders and financial institutions that manage a large volume of loans. Here are some of the key advantages:

1. Customization and Flexibility:

  • Tailored Loan Products: LoanPro allows users to create and customize various loan products, from installment loans to revolving credit lines, making it adaptable to different business models.
  • Configurable Workflows: The platform supports custom workflows that can be adjusted to match the specific needs and processes of the lender.

2. Automation of Processes:

  • Payment Processing: Automates recurring payments, ACH transactions, credit card payments, and other payment methods, reducing manual errors and increasing efficiency.
  • Loan Servicing: Automates interest calculation, late fees, reminders, and other aspects of loan servicing, helping lenders save time and reduce operational costs.

3. Comprehensive Reporting and Analytics:

  • Data-Driven Decisions: Provides detailed reports and analytics on loan performance, borrower behavior, and financial health, enabling lenders to make informed decisions.
  • Compliance Tracking: Helps track regulatory compliance and generate necessary reports, reducing the risk of non-compliance.

4. Improved Customer Experience:

  • Self-Service Portal: Borrowers can access their loan information, make payments, and manage their accounts through a user-friendly online portal, improving the overall customer experience.
  • Communication Tools: Supports communication with borrowers through emails, SMS, and other channels, making it easier to maintain strong customer relationships.

5. Scalability:

  • Growth Support: LoanPro is designed to handle the needs of both small and large lending institutions, making it scalable as the business grows.
  • Cloud-Based Platform: Being cloud-based, it allows easy access from anywhere, supporting remote work and expanding the geographical reach of lenders.

6. API Integration:

  • Third-Party Integrations: LoanPro offers robust API support, enabling integration with other software systems such as accounting tools, CRM systems, and payment gateways.
  • Customization: Lenders can customize the software to fit their specific needs, including integrating it with proprietary systems.

7. Security and Compliance:

  • Data Security: LoanPro provides strong security measures to protect sensitive financial data.
  • Regulatory Compliance: The platform is designed to help lenders comply with industry regulations, reducing the risk of legal issues.

8. Cost Efficiency:

  • Reduced Operational Costs: Automation of manual processes reduces labor costs and improves efficiency.
  • Transparent Pricing: LoanPro’s pricing structure is designed to be transparent, helping lenders manage costs effectively.

9. Support and Training:

  • Dedicated Support: LoanPro offers dedicated customer support to help users navigate the platform and resolve any issues.
  • Training Resources: The platform provides training materials and resources to ensure that users can fully leverage the system’s capabilities.

Overall, LoanPro helps lenders improve operational efficiency, enhance customer experience, maintain compliance, and scale their business effectively.


When evaluating LoanPro or any loan management software, several considerations are crucial to ensure the platform meets your business needs. These considerations span various aspects of your operations, technology requirements, and overall business strategy. Here are the key considerations:

1. Business Requirements:

  • Loan Types and Products: Does the software support the specific types of loans you offer, such as installment loans, revolving credit, auto loans, or others?
  • Volume and Scalability: Can the platform handle your current loan volume, and will it scale with your business as it grows?
  • Regulatory Compliance: Does the software help you comply with relevant regulations and reporting requirements in your industry and location?

2. Feature Set:

  • Core Features: Does the platform offer the essential features you need, such as loan origination, servicing, payment processing, and customer management?
  • Automation: How much of your workflow can be automated, reducing manual tasks and errors?
  • Reporting and Analytics: Are the reporting tools robust enough to provide the insights you need to monitor performance and make data-driven decisions?

3. Integration Capabilities:

  • API and Third-Party Integrations: Can the software integrate with your existing systems, such as CRM, accounting, and payment gateways?
  • Data Transfer and Migration: How easy is it to migrate data from your current systems to LoanPro?

4. User Experience:

  • Ease of Use: Is the platform intuitive and user-friendly for your team and your customers?
  • Customization: Can you customize the software to fit your specific needs and workflows?
  • Customer Portal: Does the software provide a self-service portal for borrowers that enhances their experience?

5. Compliance and Security:

  • Regulatory Compliance: Does the platform help ensure compliance with industry regulations?
  • Data Security: What measures does the software have in place to protect sensitive financial and personal data?

6. Cost and ROI:

  • Pricing Structure: What is the cost of the software, and how does it fit within your budget? Consider both upfront and ongoing costs.
  • Return on Investment (ROI): What potential savings or revenue increases can the software bring through improved efficiency and better loan management?

7. Support and Training:

  • Customer Support: What level of support does LoanPro offer? Is it available when you need it, and is it of high quality?
  • Training Resources: Does the platform offer sufficient training materials and onboarding support to get your team up to speed?

8. Scalability and Future-Proofing:

  • Growth Potential: Can the platform grow with your business? Will it support more complex products and larger volumes as you expand?
  • Software Updates: How often does LoanPro release updates and new features? Will the platform continue to meet your needs as the industry evolves?

9. Customer Feedback and Reviews:

  • User Reviews: What do other users say about LoanPro? Look for common themes in feedback to understand strengths and weaknesses.
  • Case Studies: Are there success stories from businesses similar to yours that have used LoanPro effectively?

10. Trial and Demonstration:

  • Free Trial or Demo: Can you test the software before committing? A trial or demo can provide valuable insights into how the platform works in practice.
  • Real Data Testing: If possible, try the software with real data to see how it performs in your specific use case.

11. Implementation and Onboarding:

  • Ease of Implementation: How easy is it to implement LoanPro into your existing infrastructure?
  • Onboarding Process: Does LoanPro offer a structured onboarding process to ensure a smooth transition?

Considering these factors will help you make an informed decision about whether LoanPro is the right loan management platform for your business, ensuring that it aligns with your goals, needs, and future growth plans.

How to set up

Navigate to the Feathery form that you want to connect to LoanPro. Click on the Integrations tab.

Open the LoanPro integration and authorize your account

Choose what LoanPro actions you'd like to take, along with the Feathery fields you'd like to map to LoanPro record attributes.

Click Connect. Your LoanPro integration is now active.

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