
Upfront improves conversion rate by 42.4% with Feathery

Learn how Upfront improved their conversion rate by 42.4% while saving 800+ developer hours with Feathery.


Upfront is an NYC-based fintech startup that helps car owners save thousands of dollars on their auto loans.

When Upfront’s Cofounder and Co-CEO, Marc Escapa, set out to build one of the platform’s core user journeys—a multi-step financial application for users—he knew that the form’s success would ultimately depend on experimentation and iteration.

From experience running previous startups, Marc also knew that if this form was hand-coded by his developers, then the build and iteration processes would require coordination between several departments and pull his developers away from core business projects.

While evaluating better ways to build Upfront’s forms, Marc discovered Feathery.


With Feathery, Upfront’s product team is able to build and rapidly iterate on an application flow with complex visuals and logic. They also leverage a number of Feathery integrations, including Firebase Authentication for verifying users via SMS and Google Address Autocomplete to autofill user addresses.

Upfront's financial application form built with Feathery
Upfront's financial application form built with Feathery

Using custom code in conjunction with Feathery, Upfront is able store form data to their backend for custom processing, run credit checks in real-time, populate the options for a dropdown based on the selection from a previous dropdown, and calculate the specific loans to offer to users (shown on Feathery via text variables).

Most importantly, they are able to do all this without tapping into significant developer resources.


To date, Upfront has been able to save an estimated 25 developer hours per week across nine months of using Feathery. That totals over $60,000 in developer costs saved.Upfront has also been able to run more experiments in less time, increasing their conversion rate by 42.4%.

We've been able to build highly complex flows with Feathery. The platform's no-code capabilities really speed up our development cycles. On top of this, the Feathery team has been extremely adaptable to our needs versus other off-the-shelf form solutions we explored.

Marc Escapa


Use Case

User Onboarding

Products used

Form Builder
Advanced Logic
Developer Embed

800+ developer hours saved in nine months

By leveraging low/no-code

$60,000 saved in engineering costs

Instead of building in-house

42.4% conversion rate improvement

For new user onboarding

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