
The Definitive Guide to SharePoint Forms

Discover how integrating your form builder with SharePoint Forms can transform your business operations. Learn the benefits of enhanced data management, improved collaboration, and increased efficiency in our detailed guide.

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How to Create a Form in SharePoint

Creating forms in SharePoint can be challenging since the platform lacks a native form builder. However, there are many alternatives that can efficiently achieve the desired functionality. 

Existing options range from using SharePoint lists to employing third-party form builders, each providing distinct advantages depending on your requirements.

Option 1: Utilizing SharePoint Lists

One straightforward method is to utilize SharePoint "lists" to simulate forms. By customizing lists—adding columns to represent different fields and adjusting settings—you can create a basic form-like structure. 

This approach is suitable for simpler data collection tasks but might fall short for more complex needs. 

Simply follow the instructions below to hack a form and make the most out of SharePoint:

Step 1: Create a New List

  • Log in to your SharePoint site.
  • From the home page, click on “+ New” and select “List” from the dropdown menu.
  • You can start with a blank list, use an existing list as a template, or choose from available list templates.
  • Give your list a descriptive name and, optionally, a description.

Step 2: Add Columns to Your List

  • These columns will act as form fields. Click on “+ Add column” and select the type of column you need (e.g., Text, Choice, Number, Date and Time, etc.).
  • Set up each column according to what data you need to collect. For example, for a “Choice” column, you can define the choices available.
  • Adjust additional settings for each column, such as making a column required, adding a default value, or enforcing unique values.

Step 3: Customize Form Settings

  • Customize how the form looks when users are filling it out. SharePoint allows you to create different views for different purposes, such as a simplified view for quick data entry.
  • Set up validation rules for your form fields to ensure data integrity.

Step 4: Share and Use the Form

  • Decide who can view and edit your form. In the list settings, manage permissions for the list to ensure only designated users have access to fill out or edit the form.
  • Provide users with the link to the list. They can add data directly into the list, effectively using it as a form.
  • As entries are submitted, use SharePoint’s built-in features to sort, filter, and manage the data collected through your form.

Option 2: Using Native Form Builders with SharePoint Integration

For more sophisticated form needs, especially when dealing with complex use cases, a native form builder that integrates directly with SharePoint is ideal. 

This solution offers real form support with full capabilities, including the use of Microsoft Power Automate to automate processes and ensure that form data flows efficiently across your Microsoft applications. 

Here’s how you can leverage this:

  1. Select a Form Builder: Choose a form builder like Feathery, known for its deep integration with SharePoint.
  1. Design Your Form: Use the form builder’s tools to create forms, utilizing drag-and-drop functionalities and customizing fields according to your needs.
  2. Integrate with SharePoint: Set up the integration to link form submissions directly into a SharePoint list, ensuring that data is stored in the correct format and location.
  3. Automate with Power Automate: Connect your forms to Microsoft Power Automate to create workflows that can automate tasks based on the data received from the forms.

This option not only supports more complex form structures but also enhances the automation and data handling capabilities of your SharePoint environment.

Form Builders That Excel in SharePoint Integration

Let's take a look at the top three form builders that would be perfect for SharePoint integration. We'll explore their strong points as well as some limitations so that you know beforehand if any of the following tools would be the right fit for you or not.


Feathery’s integration with SharePoint is not just about simplifying file storage—it's about creating a dynamic system that interacts seamlessly with your data, offering functionalities that go beyond conventional form builders.

One of the standout features that set Feathery apart from other form builders is its dual ability to both read from and write to SharePoint, coupled with advanced AI functionalities. This combination significantly amplifies the utility and efficiency of data management within any organization.

Reading from SharePoint

Feathery’s capability to read files directly from SharePoint enhances its use as a dynamic data processing tool. It can access various file types stored in SharePoint, such as images, CSV files, and PDF documents. 

Once accessed, Feathery employs sophisticated AI algorithms to analyze and extract valuable information from these documents. This feature is particularly beneficial for automating the ingestion and initial processing of data, which can otherwise be time-consuming and prone to errors when done manually.

For instance, if a PDF form uploaded by a client contains crucial data points, Feathery can automatically extract these details and process them accordingly. This speeds up workflow and ensures that data handling is more accurate and secure.

Writing to SharePoint

In addition to reading from SharePoint, Feathery excels by writing data back into SharePoint, thus closing the loop on data flow. After processing data, Feathery can create new folders and files or update existing ones within SharePoint, organizing them according to customized rules or structures.

This capability ensures that all processed data is stored securely and well-organized within SharePoint’s robust framework.

This bi-directional functionality ensures that data collected via Feathery is seamlessly integrated into the existing corporate data ecosystem, making it immediately available for further analysis, reporting, or archival. By automating these processes, Feathery significantly reduces the administrative burden associated with data management.

Leveraging AI for Enhanced Data Processing

Feathery’s AI can also extract data from any existing documents in your SharePoint folders, such as analyzing bank statements, licenses, insurance policies, etc.


Frevvo is recognized as a robust form builder that, despite its somewhat traditional approach, offers substantial SharePoint integration capabilities.

Comprehensive SharePoint Integration

Frevvo’s integration with SharePoint is particularly notable for its depth and flexibility. It allows users to seamlessly connect forms with SharePoint lists and libraries, enabling automatic data synchronization between forms and the SharePoint repository. 

This integration facilitates the creation, updating, and management of SharePoint entries directly through Frevvo forms.

Focused on Education 

Frevvo is primarily focused on the education sector, providing tools and solutions designed to meet the specific needs of educational institutions. Their offerings cater to a wide range of administrative and academic processes, ensuring that schools, colleges, and universities can operate more efficiently and effectively.

User Experience and Customization

While Frevvo might feel more traditional, it does not skimp on customization options. It provides a drag-and-drop interface that allows users to create forms and workflows with ease, without needing extensive technical knowledge. Additionally, Frevvo offers mobile-responsive form designs, ensuring that users can interact with forms effectively across all devices.

Potential Limitations

However, as a traditional tool, Frevvo may not incorporate all the latest trends in UI/UX design or the cutting-edge features that newer platforms boast. This could affect the user experience, particularly for those accustomed to more contemporary interfaces.


Formstack presents a modern and user-friendly form-building experience that appeals to businesses looking for a straightforward, intuitive solution. However, it faces some challenges when it comes to perfect integration with SharePoint, which might affect how data is managed and utilized within the platform.

Modern Form-Building Experience

Formstack is known for its sleek user interface and ease of use, featuring a drag-and-drop form builder that simplifies the creation of custom forms. The platform supports a variety of form fields and has extensive customization options, allowing users to tailor forms according to specific branding and functional requirements.

SharePoint Integration

While Formstack does offer SharePoint integration, it is not as seamless as some may require. This integration typically involves using third-party connectors or custom APIs, which can sometimes result in a less smooth user experience compared to native integrations. These issues might manifest as delays in data synchronization or complications in configuring the initial setup.

Limitations in Tailoring for SharePoint

The primary challenge with Formstack in a SharePoint context is that its features and capabilities are not specifically designed with SharePoint in mind. This can lead to potential mismatches in data handling and workflow management, which might require additional customization or workaround solutions.

Formstack, while versatile and user-friendly, has certain limitations that may affect its suitability for more complex or highly branded applications.

Basic design customization 

Formstack lacks the flexibility needed for creating highly branded, visually rich forms that match the detailed design requirements of some organizations.

For companies looking to integrate forms seamlessly within their products, Formstack may not provide the level of customization needed to ensure a consistent user experience. The design constraints can result in forms that appear disjointed from the rest of the product interface.

Not Ideal for Complex Needs

While Formstack does offer some logic capabilities, such as conditional fields and basic workflows, it falls short when it comes to advanced logic and complex conditional processes. This can be a significant limitation for organizations with intricate form requirements.

For enterprises with complex, multi-step workflows and the need for advanced data processing, Formstack may not suffice. 

Why Your Form Builder Should Integrate with SharePoint

Integrating your form builder with SharePoint can significantly enhance data management and collaboration within your organization. Here are the top ten ways you can leverage integration with SharePoint:

  1. Centralized Data Management: SharePoint serves as a central repository for all organizational data. Integrating your form builder with SharePoint allows data collected through forms to be stored directly in SharePoint, ensuring all information is centralized and easily accessible.
  2. Enhanced Collaboration: SharePoint integration enables multiple users to access and work on form data simultaneously. This facilitates teamwork and ensures that updates and edits are reflected in real-time, enhancing collaboration across departments.
  3. Streamlined Workflows: With SharePoint, you can automate workflows triggered by form submissions. For example, a new employee onboarding form can automatically initiate a workflow in SharePoint to set up IT accounts and assign equipment.
  4. Improved Data Security: SharePoint offers robust security features, including access controls, encryption, and compliance tools. Integrating your form builder ensures that the data collected is managed and stored securely, adhering to organizational and regulatory standards.
  5. Better Compliance Management: SharePoint has features designed to help organizations comply with legal and regulatory requirements. By storing form data in SharePoint, you can leverage its compliance capabilities to manage data retention, deletion, and archiving policies.
  6. Versatility in Data Usage: Data stored in SharePoint can be easily used across various platforms and applications within the Microsoft ecosystem, such as Power BI for analytics or Microsoft Flow for process automation, enhancing the versatility of your data.
  7. Scalability: SharePoint's infrastructure is designed to scale, making it suitable for organizations of all sizes. Integrating your form builder with SharePoint means your data storage solution can grow as your data collection needs expand.
  8. Reduced IT Overhead: By using SharePoint as a backend for form data, you reduce the need for custom solutions for data storage, management, and security, thereby lowering IT overhead and complexity.
  9. Enhanced Data Integrity: SharePoint’s check-in/check-out and version control features ensure that data integrity is maintained, preventing data loss and enabling tracking of modifications over time.
  10. Accessibility and Mobility: SharePoint’s mobile-friendly and accessible design means that data collected through forms is accessible on any device, anywhere, facilitating remote access and collaboration.

A Use Case Example 

For instance, in client management, SharePoint’s organizational capabilities shine through. Organizations can allocate a specific folder for each client where all relevant files, such as contracts, proposals, and communications, are stored. 

When integrated with a form builder like Feathery, the process of updating and retrieving these files becomes automated, streamlining client management and ensuring data consistency.

Key Takeaways

The integration of Feathery with SharePoint marks a strategic revolution in how organizations manage and utilize data. Here are some key takeaways of this integration:

Strategic Enhancement of Data Management

Feathery's ability to seamlessly integrate with SharePoint revolutionizes data management strategies within organizations. By linking these two powerful tools, companies can manage data through a more streamlined, efficient system that reduces the complexity and redundancy often associated with large data sets. 

This integration allows for a smoother flow of information, making it easier for teams to access, analyze, and action data without the typical barriers posed by disparate systems.

Automation of Data-Driven Processes

One of the most significant advantages of integrating Feathery with SharePoint is the automation of various data processes. From the initial data collection via forms to the extraction of actionable insights, automation is at the heart of this integration. 

Feathery automates the extraction of data from forms, analyzes it using advanced AI algorithms, and stores it intelligently within SharePoint. This reduces the need for manual data handling, minimizes human error, and frees up valuable resources to focus on more strategic tasks.

Enhanced Operational Efficiency

By automating routine tasks, Feathery not only saves time but also enhances overall operational efficiency. The integration ensures that data is not only collected and stored efficiently but also organized and processed in a way that supports quick decision-making and easy retrieval. 

This leads to faster response times, improved service delivery, and a more agile organization.

Improved Decision-Making

With Feathery’s advanced AI capabilities, the data extracted and stored in SharePoint is not just accumulated; it is analyzed and turned into insights. These insights can drive more informed decision-making across all levels of the organization. 

Decision-makers can access up-to-date, reliable data, allowing for quicker and more accurate decisions. Moreover, predictive analytics powered by AI can help foresee future trends and prepare the organization to meet upcoming challenges and opportunities.

Future-Proofing Data Processes

The integration of Feathery with SharePoint is not just about meeting today’s needs but also about preparing for the future. As organizations grow and data becomes even more integral to operations, having a robust system that can scale and adapt is crucial. 

Feathery and SharePoint together provide a scalable solution that can handle increasing data volumes and complexity, ensuring that the organization’s data infrastructure is future-proof.

Feathery can be a game-changer for your product team.

It’ll empower you to build more advanced, product-grade forms using fewer development resources.

The integration of Feathery with SharePoint is a strategic enhancement that fundamentally transforms how organizations manage, interact with, and leverage their data. This combination optimizes current processes and sets the stage for future innovations and improvements in data management and utilization. 

For any organization committed to staying at the forefront of efficiency and intelligence in data handling, Feathery’s sophisticated SharePoint integration is an indispensable solution.