
How To Simplify Claims Processing Automation with AI

Feathery streamlines claims processing by improving document handling, reducing manual tasks, and providing accurate results. Our platform helps insurers manage claims more efficiently and keep customers updated with real-time status.

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Handling unstructured data is a major challenge in insurance claims processing. 

Unlike structured data, which fits neatly into predefined categories, unstructured data comes in varied formats like handwritten notes, free-form reports, and informal communications. 

Effectively managing and integrating this diverse data is crucial for streamlining the claims process and ensuring accuracy.

Claims Processing Challenges

Collecting Data from Multiple Sources

  • Diverse Data Origins

Claims data often comes from various sources such as medical records, police reports, incident forms, and customer statements. These documents may be in different formats and stored in disparate systems.

  • Integration Issues

Combining data from these diverse sources into a single, cohesive system can be complex. The challenge is ensuring that all relevant information is captured and integrated seamlessly without data loss or inconsistency.

  • Volume and Variety

The sheer volume of data and its varied nature—ranging from structured forms to free-form text—pose a significant challenge for traditional data handling methods.

Managing Unstructured Documents

  • Types of Unstructured Documents

1. Medical Records: Often include handwritten notes, scanned images, and unformatted text.

2. Incident Reports: May contain narrative descriptions, varying formats, and incomplete information.

3. Customer Communications: Emails, letters, and phone call transcripts that lack a standard structure.

  • Data Extraction Difficulties

Extracting useful information from unstructured documents requires advanced technology. Traditional methods cannot fully identify and interpret relevant data. And this leads to inefficiencies.

  • Accuracy and Consistency

Ensuring the accuracy and consistency of extracted data is crucial. Manual processing can be error-prone, while automation needs sophisticated algorithms to handle the complexity of unstructured data.

Keeping Talent

  • High Turnover Rates

The manual nature of traditional claims processing can lead to high turnover for claims adjusters. Skilled workers are essential for managing complex claims and making informed decisions.

  • Skill Requirements

Claims adjusters need to possess a combination of empathy, analytical skills, and knowledge of insurance policies and regulations. Retaining talent requires addressing job satisfaction and reducing the burden of repetitive tasks.

  • Reducing Manual, Mundane Work:

By automating repetitive and mundane tasks, companies can significantly increase operational agility. This expansion in capacity, according to a study by Harvard Business Review, can enhance human workforce productivity by up to 90% by removing the monotony associated with routine tasks.

  • Mitigating Burnout

Automation helps in reducing burnout among employees by taking over monotonous tasks and allowing them to focus on more complex and value-added activities. This not only improves job satisfaction but also helps in retaining skilled talent.

Regulatory Compliance

  • Adherence to Regulations

Insurance companies must comply with many regulations that vary by region and type of claim. Keeping up with these regulations and ensuring compliance can be complex.

  • Data Privacy

Managing sensitive information while adhering to privacy laws and regulations is a constant challenge.

Fraud Detection

  • Identifying Fraudulent Claims

Detecting fraudulent claims requires sophisticated tools and methods. Fraudsters often use complex schemes that can be difficult to identify with traditional processes.

  • Balancing Detection and Efficiency

Implementing fraud detection measures without causing delays or inconveniences for legitimate claimants is a delicate balance.

Customer Experience

  • Communication Delays

Delays in communication with claimants can lead to dissatisfaction and complaints.

  • Transparent Status Updates

Providing claimants with accurate and timely updates about their claims is crucial for maintaining trust and satisfaction.

Security Risks

  • Data Breaches

Protecting sensitive claimant data from breaches and cyber-attacks is critical. Ensuring that data security measures are robust and up-to-date is an ongoing challenge.

  • Internal Threats

Safeguarding against potential internal threats, such as employee misconduct or errors, is also important.

What’s the Solution?

Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

RPA can offer improvements in claims processing by automating repetitive tasks. However, RPA solutions often face limitations. They tend to be brittle, requiring hard coding of each rule, which makes them inflexible to changes in the claims process. Adjusting or scaling RPA systems can be cumbersome, as any modification in the process often demands substantial reconfiguration of the automation scripts.

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)

BPO involves delegating claims processing tasks to external service providers. While BPO can help manage high volumes of claims, it introduces challenges such as security risks and potential inaccuracies. External providers may not always align perfectly with the specific procedures or quality standards of the insurance company, leading to issues in data handling and process consistency.

Exploring solutions like Feathery, which combine the strengths of automation with the flexibility to adapt to evolving requirements, is essential to effectively address the complexities of unstructured data and improve claims processing.

Feathery's Solution for Claims Processing

Feathery offers a comprehensive approach to addressing the challenges of unstructured data in claims processing. Here’s how Feathery stands out:

Unstructured Document Analysis

Feathery excels in analyzing a vast array of unstructured documents. It identifies and highlights the key fields necessary for processing claims, and pinpointing their exact locations within each document. This capability ensures that critical information is extracted accurately and efficiently.

Flexible Data Formatting

Once data is extracted, Feathery allows you to format it into any desired format, such as Excel. This flexibility ensures that the data can be easily used and analyzed according to your specific needs.

Deep System Integrations

Feathery integrates seamlessly with various systems, including Policy Management Systems (e.g., Guidewire), Agency Management Systems (e.g., Epic and Vertafore), and CRMs like Salesforce. This deep integration facilitates smooth data transfer and synchronization across platforms.

Digital Notice of First Loss Forms

Feathery helps in building digital forms for clients to submit their claims. Additionally, it provides a portal where clients can track the status of their claims, enhancing customer service and transparency.

Claims Processing with Feathery

Effective Document Collection and Analysis

Feathery simplifies the claims process by efficiently collecting and analyzing all necessary documents. This ensures that insurers can accurately determine whether a claim should be processed or denied, improving decision-making and reducing the risk of paying out unnecessary claims.

“Feathery addresses the essential questions in claims processing: Are we effectively collecting and analyzing all the required documents? Are we ensuring that only valid claims are paid, avoiding unnecessary costs? And can we reduce the manual effort involved? Our solution simplifies these tasks, making the process more efficient and precise,” — Zack Khan, Co-Founder, Feathery.

Reducing Manual Effort

By automating the processing of claims, Feathery significantly cuts down on manual work. This not only speeds up the claims process but also minimizes errors, allowing insurance companies to handle claims more efficiently.

Real-Time Claim Status Updates

With Feathery, insurers can build a digital portal for customers to easily check the status of their claims. This feature enhances transparency and keeps clients informed, leading to better customer satisfaction and reduced anxiety about the status of their claims.

“We know that keeping customers informed is key to good service. Feathery’s portal lets clients track their claim status in real time, and our call center workflows help agents answer questions more efficiently. Our goal is to make the entire claims process smoother and more transparent for everyone involved,” — Peter Dun, Founder & CEO, Feathery.

Streamlined Call Center Workflows

Feathery also offers solutions to build effective workflows for call center agents. These workflows streamline the process of addressing customer inquiries, gathering data and ensuring efficient handling of claims-related questions.

Key Takeaways

When a claim is filed, the claims adjuster plays a crucial role in gathering evidence and assessing the situation. This involves contacting the insured and the injured party, inspecting the scene of property losses, taking photographs, and interviewing witnesses. 

For liability claims, the process can be more involved, requiring ongoing data collection such as physician reports for bodily injury claims. Additionally, the liability process may include negotiating settlements or taking cases to court.

Feathery simplifies and enhances this complex process by addressing several key challenges. Our platform effectively collects and analyzes unstructured documents, helping insurers decide whether to approve or deny claims while avoiding unnecessary payments. By automating these tasks, Feathery reduces manual effort and streamlines claims processing, improving both efficiency and accuracy.

With Feathery, you can build a digital portal that allows clients to track their claim status in real time, enhancing transparency and customer satisfaction. 

Feathery can be a game-changer for your product team.

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